A Christmas Duet
A Christmas Duet (2019) - Hallmark My friends, I'm typing this in early April of 2020, smack dab in the middle of the age of Corona, which has made motivation difficult. I'm trapped in the house, probably gonna get laid off from my job in a few days, and I'd like to tell you I don't have The Rona, but then I don't know anybody who has actually gotten a test, much less myself, so I can neither confirm nor deny that statement. I do have a ton of toilet paper, so yay! But we must find the energy to go on! We must watch Romantic Christmas movies in Spring and tell you what we saw to bring joy into peoples lives! Not that this is doing that, but we are trying. And if you are reading this at this time next year, let's hope this is all over done. The Rona that is, not life as we know it. Anyway, Averie, as played by the stunningly beautiful Chaley Rose, runs a little cottage inn somewhere up north which seems to have two employees. Her...