You Can't Fight Christmas
You Can't fight Christmas (2017) - TVOne So there’s a scene in this movie where Leslie (Brely Evans) and Edmund (Andra Fuller) are at the bar… lot of time spent at the bar in this movie ‘You Can’t Fight Christmas’… and they are steadily throwing down a few when they spot a piano. Edmund plays, Leslie sings so let’s do tune, maybe a classic Christmas tune called, I don’t know… You Can’t Fight Christmas! Which is the name of this movie! Well these two kids have fun doing this and they are getting a little cozy with each other which means it’s time for that near miss kiss… oh… Oh my… Or an alcohol infused one night stand complete with a Walk of Shame. Don’t think I’ve seen one of those in one of these before. Huh. Anyway, Leslie is a party designer or something at the Grand Chesterfield Hotel, with Christmas being her biggest event of the year, but trouble for The Chesterfield is on the horizon in the form Edmund, grandson to the owner Mr. James (Richar...