Taking a stand!

I know we're in a tough economy and all but enough is enough! So we're at the Rite-Aid and the boy wants a box of Mike and Ike's which at one time in this glorious nation of ours used to be one of the better uses of a dollar bill. I grab the box and observe it was smaller than usual, significantly so. Damn if Just Born Inc. hasn't shaved 25% off the regular 8 ounce box changing it to six ounces while keeping the price the same. What kind of mess is that? But it gets worse. The next week back in Rite-Aid the 'New' Mike and Ike's box has big yellow tag on it claiming to give you a '10% BOUNS!!!' bumping it's piddly six ounces up to 6.6 ounces which is STILL 1.4 ounces less than what it was a couple of weeks ago while still happily taking our dollar bill. Where I come from we call that the Okey-Doke. What we Americans need in our current situation of financial uncertainty is more confectionery sugar products for the money. What we don't need is to be bamboozled, hoodwinked and led astray into thinking we're getting more delicious tooth decaying product for our precious dollar bill when in reality we're being stiffed. It's a freaking outrage. First The Man shrinks the Ice Cream boxes while raising the price, then The Man compresses inside of the cereal package while keeping the box the same size, this is followed by airlines charging us baggage handling fees under guise of 'high fuel prices' failing to mention that fuel prices are lower now than they were before they added these extra unscrupulous fees... but did they get rid of this highly unethical baggage surcharge? Hell to the no. And now this. Though it hurts to me my heart, due to the long and very personal relationship I've had in my life with both Mike and Ike, I will not allow one of these candies to pass my lips until this horrific situation is rectified. A Freaking Outrage.


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