Oh the Gayness of it all...

Everybody is all in a tizzy over Newsweek writer Ramin Setoodeh crapping all over poor Sean Hayes and his broadway performance as a straight man in the play Promises, Promises. To sum it up in a sentence the man, a gay dude himself, basically said folks just can't get around a gay man playing a straight man. Personally, I don't think that's entirely true. Sean Hayes could be cast as the next 'Rambo' for all I care, I don't give a damn, but he'd be Jack from 'Will and Grace' playing Rambo not Sean Hayes playing Rambo. I don't think the fact that Sean Hayes was gay in that show, and is gay in real life is the issue there. It's the fact that the character he played was so over-the-top iconically gay (iconically is not a real word by the way) and for sooooo long that's the issue. Eric McCormack was gay on that show too but he doesn't seem to have any issue going back to playing straight characters. I know the man isn't gay in real life but still... He was the straight man on that show, comically speaking, and you just suffered through he and Debra's Messing's tired problems just to get to Jack doing some funny gay stuff.

Take the sad case of Michael Richards. The man will die as Cosmo Kramer and there 's not damn thing he can do about it. He didn't go on that stupid tirade because he's a racist, he did it because he was frustrated at the fact that he is stuck with Cosmo Kramer until he hits the dirt. There are worst things of course than being filthy rich and assoicated with an iconic character on a popular TV show, but one Kramer heckler too many and its raining N-words. When Dave Chappelle spoke about doing his stand up act or walking through the airport with his kids and folks yelling out at him 'I'M RICK JAMES BITCH!', so afraid of being locked into that one little character the man walked away from 50 million dollars on the table. And then smoked a blount.

If I saw Jimmy 'J.J' Walker, right now, walk past my window... what do you think I'd say? you guessed it. DYNOMITE!!!!! I'd run out the house and yell DYNOMITE at Jimmy walker and hope he wasn't packing heat. And Good Times has been of the air for like thirty years. Lucille Ball went to her grave being a ditzy red head but she built an empire, and you would've been fool to underestimate Lucille Ball. And the examples pile up and up.

Can a gay dude sell an audience as a straight dude? I guess he can if he can act. Rupert Everett seems to do okay, that cat on Torchwood seems to do okay. Everybody else just keeps it safe and avoids the issue by staying nice a warm in the closet so they don'th have to worry about it.


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