Susbscribe to the Feed to get your FCU Updates!

Thousands of people have been asking me... 'Christopher, I never know when you update the FCU, you need to setup an RSS feed'. Okay, it was only one person... Kevin... but after lots and lots of research on how to do this, then realizing I'm not really all that bright and my research was leading nowhere, Imagine my joy to discover that Blogger does all that for you.

So for now on, whenever we throw something up on the FCU, because we often throw up pages but don't update the homepage or indexes for weeks, we will let the hungry public know via the blog.
Reviews recently posted are Seven Below, Lady Terminator (classic), Bad Ass, Another Earth, A Good Old Fashioned Orgy, The Samaritan, Prisoner of the Lost Universe, Point Blank, Dysfunctional Friends, China O'Brien, Barely Legal (not by Hustler), Barbarian Queen 2, Air Collision, Transit, The Veteran, The Terror Experiment, Seattle Superstorm, Ninja the Final Duel, Jack the Reaper, Fireball, and Deadtime Stories 2.


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