WOOFF, the World Of Organic Fan Film

You've seen them, and you've probably even watched a couple.  What are we talking about?  The Fan Film.  People who lovingly create Superhero and Sci-Fi films based on their favorite characters... not for personal gain... because that would be illegal... but just for the love.

But who's giving them the love?  As of today... we are!  Lisa and Chris have created a new show, the World of Organic Fan Film, or WOOFF... acronyms aren't easy to come up with folks, considering SHIELD,  SPECTRE and NATO have been taken already... and we are going to being blogging and podcasting reviews of Fan Films.  How often?  Whenever the mood hits.  We are excited about this new endeavor, and we hope you will take part!

Our inaugural film?  Batman: Evolution  Give it a watch, then compare.

If we knew how to use our Twitter accounts and hashtags, this how the tweets for this movie would go.

Lisa: These fans show Batman going from West to Bale in less than 10 minutes with love and care. Clownish villain & sub par dialogue and still Batman Rules.  #fanfilm #wooff

Chris: Old school Batman transforms into new school, and does so with humor and surprisingly high production values… all in six minutes. #fanfilm #wooff

We'll figure all of that out later.

The rating system is pretty simple, but went ahead and made it unnecessarily complex.  1 fan is bad, 5 fans is great, with individual ratings for story, acting, production, costuming and Heart, or how much they showed their love the character.  Then the overall rating which takes none of those into consideration.  So here it goes for Batman Evolution...





 And of course... the Podcast itself...


WOOFF Episode 01: Batman Evolution


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