Catfish Christmas

Catfish Christmas (2022) - TUBI

As most of you probably know, the great Tony Todd passed away in November 2024. In honor of Mr. Todd, I paid homage to his Candyman action figure on my YouTube channel, where I talk about toys. However, while perusing his IMDB page, I saw that Mr. Todd appeared in another one of my passions—silly holiday romantic movies. So obviously, we had to stop what we were doing, track down this movie "Catfish Christmas" (which is playing for free on Tubi at the moment), and further pay homage to the late, great Tony Todd. While the man might not want this particular film to be his everlasting legacy, I'll tell you what I know about Tony Todd: this brother never half-assed any role, including this one.

It is a great day for the lovely Leslie (Leigh Ann Rose) as her fiancĂ© Xavier has just proposed to her. Hate to get sidetracked again, but I KNOW the actor playing Xavier! That would be my main man, my homeboy from Detroit, Yancy Fuqua. Without getting too much into it, we were in a movie together almost 20 years ago. I'm not an actor—I was kind of the director. Kind of. Anyway, when Xavier told his old dude about his wedding proposal, his father said he didn't want any gold diggers in his family and that if Xavier doesn't cut her off, he's cutting him off. I guess having an aversion to being poor, Xavier quickly and suddenly ends this engagement.

Some time has passed since that sad day and it is Christmas, with Leslie heading back home for the holidays. She is greeted by Mom (the legendary Ella Joyce) and Dad (Tony Todd), who both ask in unison if she's met anybody yet. Leslie lets them know that she doesn't need no man to complete her! Oh, you silly girl. Do you know what kind of movie you're in right now? Then we meet Leslie's adorable pregnant little sister Faith (Charlotte Evelyn Williams). As we will see, this kid is going to be a problem. Also making the trip to see Leslie is Devin (Devin Laster), the goofy kid from high school who has always had a thing for Leslie. But with Leslie being a high-powered corporate accountant and Devin being a bartender who lives down the street in a house with two other dudes as roommates, that's probably not gonna happen for my man. HAHAHA!!!! It's totally gonna happen for my man.

Still, the order of the day is to find Leslie a man. Then a commercial comes on featuring local football star Mike Avery (Anthony Riggins Jr.), and considering Mike Avery looks like Terrence Howard and Billy Dee Williams got together and had a baby, Leslie mentions, off the cuff, that this is an ultra-handsome man she would not mind dating.

Hmmm... So what if, say, Mike Avery was to contact Leslie through a dating app and say nice things to her? This would be Faith, Leslie's sister's bright idea. Faith's husband tells her that catfishing her sister is a terrible idea and nothing good can come of it, but truly, how bad can it go?

So Faith gets to the business of catfishing her sister, pretending to be Mike Avery, and Leslie is amazed at how kind and funny he is, and how it seems like he's known her his whole life—because he has. Eventually, of course, Leslie wants to meet the handsome football star. Oh Faith, what are we going to do?

Would you believe that there is a charity "Date Mike Avery" auction going on? So adorable little sis empties the savings account to buy her sister a date with a guy she thinks she's kind of already dating. Again, what could possibly go wrong with any of this? And if you have observed, we haven't mentioned Devin much. That would be because Devin isn't in this movie a lot. I mean, he peeks through the blinds and gives Leslie unwanted phone calls here and there, but his options are looking great for achieving a love match here. Even though it's still going to happen.

So Leslie and Mike Avery go on a date. We use Mike Avery's full name because Mike Avery uses Mike Avery's full name when addressing himself. He's that guy. The date seemed to go really well, with Mike Avery being told by baby sister to pretend like this is the first time they met—since this is the first time they met—but after a second date, there are cracks in Mike Avery's armor. Like he's a super famous football star, and people in public constantly ask him for his autograph and selfies. Leslie hates that! But Mike Avery does seem to really like her, however.

But at least Devin is always there to lend a comforting ear, to the point that Leslie is starting to see Devin in a different light. I mean, not much about Devin has changed that I can see, but we got to get to point B somehow.

Eventually, of course, Leslie will learn about the catfishing. I can't remember how—something to do with the kids playing around somebody's phone they had no business touching—and she absolutely loses it! As well, she should have. Little sister is now on her list! And so is Mike Avery, even though he had nothing to do with this and just wants to get to know Leslie better. That doesn't stop him from getting dumped. Oh wait, you can't dump Mike Avery, but Mike Avery can dump you! This leads to Leslie drowning her sorrows at the bar Devin works at, the two having a deep heart-to-heart setting up a near-miss kiss, but later sealing that kiss on Christmas Day at the top of the stairs, like forever. I mean that was a pretty long holiday romantic movie kiss. The scene shockingly switches to an exhausted couple in bed after what we can only assume was some spirited lovin'. No, not Leslie and Devin, but Tony Todd and freaking Ella Joyce. Hey, I love both of those actors, but I don't think anybody wanted to see that Victoria! I'm talking to the absolutely lovely Victoria Rowell, the director of nonsense.

A year later, at Christmas, everything is fine. The sisters love each other again, the pregnant sister’s baby is born, and Devin proposes. And since Devin is broke, there is no rich dad to subvert the love... at Christmas.

Okay... so this movie is nuts, but it is kind of entertaining. Even though I'm not quite sure that director Victoria knows exactly how these movies are supposed to work, but I'm going to help her out a bit for the next one she does, because I’m a self-appointed expert in this field. No disrespect to Devin, but Mike Avery should've been the male lead, mainly because dude is so good-looking, but they should've shown a picture of him back in high school looking like a Poindexter. Also, while it is fine that Devin works at the bar, but little does she know he also owns that bar and a chain of bars across the northeast basin.  That’s what should’ve happened. And he’s totally rich. Also, Xavier, the first fiancĂ©, should've come back at some point to further complicate things. Also, I'm sure somebody in this cast has to know how to sing, so I don't know why my director couldn't squeeze in some Christmas carols. At least we did get Christmas tree decorating, lots of cookie baking, some cute if not badass kids running around, and wise old people dispensing wisdom when they weren't having sex. No snow fights or snowmen, though. Again, hard to pull off when you shoot these movies in August.

While the movie didn't look like a high-dollar production, it still provided some of the best acting you're going to see in a movie of this type. Not just Mr. Todd and Miss Joyce, who were fabulous of course, but pretty much the entire cast, especially Charlotte Evelyn Williams as the troublesome baby sister. She's kind of the villain in this, but she's so cute and adorable that it's hard to hate on her.

So if you're in the mood for something completely, absolutely, and totally ridiculous but still kind of fun to sit through, "Catfish Christmas" just might satisfy that fix. Rest in eternal power, Tony Todd.


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