I have nothing to say...

...at this particular time. At least anything of any kind of value. However we do not want to let the FCU Blog lag so we will make a mindless post just to keep things moving. I may make another one tomorrow as well. Quell your excitement if possible. Let's see... I showed my 'green' side by buying a Plasma Television the other day. Next I'll purchase a Hummer H2 and run my air conditioning with the windows open. But this fifty inch LG does have an energy saving feature built in which in actuality means it uses less electricity than a 32 inch LCD. Thing is you actually have to 'use' this feature. Regardless... Plasma is SWEET! Watched some gawdawful preseason football on over-the-air HD and it looked so good I could almost smell the grass. Then we fired up some Soul Calibur IV and followed that up with '300' on defunct HD-DVD, The Look and Sound of Perfect... and it looks like I won't be desiring to buy a new TV for at least another three months.

Speaking of football season, words which warm my heart, it must be near because during this awful pre-season football game Peyton Manning attempted to sell me no less than 18 products.

I think we'll keep the football theme flowing on the next post with an examination of my beloved Detroit Lions. Take note NFL... we're beating SOMEBODY this year and that somebody just might be your team.


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