What happens to a dream deferred...

Years ago when working as a valet parking cars in my native St. Louis a particular car I jumped in was playing on it's cassette 'The Velocity of Love' by Suzanne Ciani. This particular car also had what looked to be a pound of weed wedged into its glove compartment, but that's another story for another time. Regardless, hearing this song was a revelation as I, at the time, considered myself to be some kind of musician and through this woman's music I had finally discovered the kind of sound I was meant to compose.

I brought every album this woman had made up to that point and dedicated myself to becoming a NewAge keyboard player. Yes, this is when people actually went to the store and paid for records. The unfortunate truth of the matter was that as a musician I couldn't carry Suzanne Ciana's jock strap, that is if she actually had the need for one... which I don't believe she does... but you get my point.

I mention this because a couple of days ago while cleaning out some old junk I stumbled upon my long forgotten, long neglected debut CD. Oh those were the days when me, my JV1080 and Cakewalk would crash Windows 98 time and time again. These days, as life has tragically passed me by, I only play the piano on rare church occasions or when I need music for some production and loops or stock music won't do but there was a time when I had New Age dreams my friends. I think I did song this about nine or ten years ago and we called it 'Something April Likes' because it was something that April liked. I'm not sure how this Streampad MP3 player thing works but I think you might have to skip past the Johnny Sokko Theme to get this song.


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