The Princess Switch 3

The Princess Switch 3 (2021) - Netflix

Reviewed by Lisa Sue

Having re read my thoughts on Princess Switch 2, let me say I now understand the need for the 3rd movie, and there is a natural progression. It’s just taken me 3 movies to catch on, I can be slow but I’ll eventually get there. First movie was getting Stacy married off, second movie was all about Margaret and her man. So of course, there’s a third movie…cause Fiona needs to get herself a man! While that wasn’t necessarily obvious in the 2nd movie, it is clear from the first act what this movie is about. And here’s where I’d like to put a plug in to Netflix, please feel free to reach out. We have ideas for Princess Switch 4. Considering we weren’t treated to yet a fourth doppelganger, how about let’s get a look alike Prince Edward? It could be country mouse/town mouse plot. Or we could have the inevitable babies that should be coming? Just throwing these ideas out there, and these are only the freebies, please have your people call our people. As the blog is evidence of, we have done plenty of research, we feel we understand the genre and the audience. And with everyone from Train’s Pat Monahan, The Pioneer Woman’s Ree Drummond, and even Michael Sheen (yes that one) in on the Christmas Movie action well we just don’t want to miss out. Seriously we’re waiting for your call, we’re just brimming with ideas.

With the movie’s focus on Fiona, there really isn’t much for Prince Edward to Kevin to do or say. In fact I had to check if these two were replaced (thankfully they were not) and while it has been pointed out that in the 2nd movie the switch was done without everyone being in the know, in this case everyone was in the know. You know how it is, everyone has their assigned job in a well planned heist. And being the pro that Fiona is she can’t be the one distracting the mark as well as doing the Entrapment laser gymnastics. What is a band of merry thieves to do? Get Princess Margaret to be Fiona and distract the mark while the real Fiona gets her Catherine Zeta Jones on. I think most of the non criminals put up the requisite “this is a bad idea” disclaimer to which the rather weak response was “is there a better idea?” I mean sure, there are literally 3 off the top of my head, that don’t involve anyone having to impersonate Fiona or scale a castle, but then where would the comedy hi jinks come from?  And truly Frank the chauffeur and trusted servant to Prince Edwards shines the most in all these movies as the wheel man in this con.

The heist is planned by Fiona’s love interest, Peter Maxwell, who has known Fiona since her boarding school days when they were the only two left at the school over the holidays. It wasn’t because Fiona was an orphan, no just her mother couldn’t be bothered. And in between the heist preparations they manage to do some ice skating. No tree decorating, toy picking, or cookie baking montage to build up these two’s relationship but that is what happens when you’re executing a con and are on the clock. Their equivalent of sharing homemade hot chocolate was something about “look up at the north star, and know that no matter where you are, I’ll be there looking at the same star” I mean what are Fiona’s other options, man wise? The mark, Hunter Cunard? Which I’m sure Will Kemp enjoyed playing the bad guy, having done his fair share of being the romantic lead in Hallmark Christmas movies. I guess it might be a slight demotion as I recall he was the Prince in one movie, but Princes don’t have as much fun as villains do. Or Simon from the Christmas Prince movies? Nah, he’s just there for the universe building and easter egg, nothing more. No, the love interest must be Peter who genuinely cares for Fiona but in true fashion she pulls away when she starts to feel something. How will this impact the heist you may ask?

WELL let me tell you, that instead of coming away clean with the priceless star Fiona is left holding a… basketball. But surely Maxwell wouldn’t double cross them, he isn’t a bad guy, is he? Apparently, he did all that just so that Fiona would meet with her mom, with whom he has been in more contact with than Fiona. And he speaks from dead parent experience, he wants Fiona to have a relationship with her mother because what is more important than getting a man at Christmas? FAMILY. That seems to be the running theme in this year’s Christmas movies, I mean family has always been there but now it is really about choosing family. Over fun in the sun with friends for the holidays. Just saying a movie about someone enjoying themselves at the beach over Christmas isn’t really the worst thing in the world, is it?  I mean in the Southern Hemisphere Christmas falls in summer, so there isn’t snow ball fights and hot chocolate everywhere. But back to the movie- Fiona forgives her mom because as much as you hate her and want to move past you never really stop being that 9 year old seeking mom’s love and approval. The star is back, and able to top the tree just in time for the big lighting ceremony. And Stacy, who also didn’t really have much to do in the movie inadvertently got Fiona’s sentence commuted for crimes committed in the 2nd movie leaving Fiona free to be with her man Peter and live happily ever after. So where do we go from here in the 4th movie? We’ve got ideas, just waiting to hear from you Netflix. 

Christopher's take

So I actually got nothing to give you about this movie, other than I watched and I think Lisa pretty much covered it, so I'll just hit you with random thoughts.

Since there was nothing for the men to do in this movie I liked how they sent Kevin on basically a wild goose chase fifteen minutes in the movie to retrieve his daughter, and he would not return until the movie was over.

Stacy informed us that she was of Filipino descent.   Does that mean Fiona and Margaret are Filipino as well?

Reggie and Mindy.  Still my favorite parts of these movies.  Spin them off Netflix.  Joking of course.

A few months ago somebody posted a picture of Vanessa Hudgins on the set of this film looking sad.  I understand now. 

The final ten minutes of credits featured the entire cast, and I mean everybody from extras on up, dancing.  Having been known to cut a mean rug back in the day I am in the unique position to judge everyone's skills.  Mindy is the best dancer, by far.  Nick Sagar, while very enthusiastic, oddly has no rhythm.  Very disappointing.   Sam Padillo, not too bad sir.

All the men kept their shirts on.  

Lest we forget, Kevin and Stacy are bakers by trade.  They didn't bake jack in this movie.

The magical dude showed up again.  Who is this guy?  Satan maybe?

Hey Netflix, take Lisa up on her offer.  For real.  UPTV is blowing up her phone right now and you don't want them to get all the good stuff, do you?


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