You should know... Todd Jensen

Every once in a while I think I'm gonna pick out some relatively obscure actor and give this guy or gal some props for their hard work in little seen Straight to DVD flicks with today's subject being the hard working actor Todd Jensen. Who is Todd Jensen? Beats the hell out of me but Mr. Jensen has been doing this acting thing for quite a while usually showing up as uptight FBI Agents or Bureaucrats but in three consecutive days I saw three separate movies featuring Mr. Jensen in which he was brutally murdered in each and every one. Man, that's damn good work if you can get it. In the remake of 'It's Alive' Todd was cut to shreds by a new born baby, in the movie 'Train' Todd was vivisectioned and harvested for his valuable internal organs and in the Sci-Fi Original film 'Star Runners' Todd was gored and eaten by a giant bug. But that was only how Todd was brutalized this past weekend because we've seen Todd get murderized in a number of different ways previous to this. Apparently Todd Jensen is your go to guy if you need somebody eaten by a giant bug because this is how bought it in the movie 'Infestation'. Great movie by the way. Then in the movie 'Boogeyman 3' Todd was turned into strawberry jam by giant shadow monster, in the movie 'Nightmare City 2035' Todd made it all the way to the end in that one, but he was the bad guy and I believe he ended up getting his ass disintegrated and then in the movie Mega Snake... well, you can imagine how Todd brought the farm in that one.

Imagine my disappointment when I saw the movie 'Wrong Turn 3', observed Todd Jensen was among the cast full with the joyful knowledge that he was going to get it bad by an inbred cannibalistic hillbilly only to have him show in one scene as an uptight FBI agent and survive. The disappointment was palpable. While we haven't seen the movie 'Bats: Human Harvest' or 'Copperhead' I'm betting Todd gets it good in those.

If Todd is married with children I hope his family appreciates what my man goes through to put food on the table for them. Meet Todd Jensen everybody. A dude who dies so often in horror flicks that you could almost mistake him for a black guy.


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