The Wrong Awards! Day Two!
We missed you guys at the after party after the Day One celebration! It was lit! I think that's what the kids say. But we have more awards to pass out on this glorious night at the extremely socially distanced Muncie Indiana amphitheater, so let's get to it! Best Blowing a Mother F@#ker Away Some people may think just because we believe Climate Change is a thing and that we think that Black Lives Matter too, that we are some kind of libtards. Oh Hell No! We own the libs! We totally believe in a GOOD GUY WITH A GUN as long as they've had a common sense back ground check . And we completely believe in a woman's God given 2nd Amendment right to grab her gun and BLOW A MOTHER F@#KER AWAY, after a mandatory seven day wait period . But who blew a Mother F@#ker away the best? Nominees please... Abby Blowing away The Wrong Fiancé Riley blowing away The Wrong Friend Emily Blowing away The Wrong Valentine Sandra blowing away The W...